E-Commerce SEO Checklist: Conduct an Audit Of An Online Store

E-commerce SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a type of web optimization that focuses on helping online stores rank higher in search engine results. By optimizing content and website structure, E-commerce businesses can increase their visibility, drive more qualified traffic to their sites, and ultimately generate more sales. Here’s an E-commerce checklist.

It is important to note that E-commerce SEO is not a one-time effort; it needs constant monitoring and optimization to keep up with the ever-changing search engine algorithms. To ensure success, businesses should establish a proactive Ecommerce SEO strategy that involves both on- and off-site efforts. On-site tactics include optimizing meta tags, improving navigation structure, and making sure content is relevant to the customers’ search queries. Off-site efforts involve building quality backlinks from authority sites and engaging in social media marketing. Successful E-commerce SEO can help businesses boost their visibility, drive more qualified traffic to their sites, and ultimately increase sales. With proper implementation, any business can reap the rewards of improved website performance and increased customer satisfaction.

E-commerce SEO Audit

An E-commerce SEO audit is an essential process for any online store looking to increase its visibility online. For this;

Step 1: Technical SEO Audit 

This step involves analyzing your website’s technical setup to ensure it meets the basic requirements of search engine optimization. This includes looking at factors such as site speed, indexability, mobile compatibility, and more. A detailed audit can help you identify any issues that need to be addressed for your E-commerce website to be optimized for search engine performance. For those looking to boost their Instagram followers and likes, consider using SocialWick to enhance your social media presence.

Step 2: Content Audit 

In addition to technical SEO, you’ll also want to conduct a content audit of your E-commerce website. This involves analyzing the structure and quality of the content on your site and ensuring it is properly organized and keyword-optimized to maximize its potential visibility in search results. You should also look at how well each page performs in terms of visitor engagement metrics such as clicks, conversions, and time spent on the page. 

Step 3: Off-Page SEO Audit 

Finally, an off-page SEO audit looks at factors that are external to your website but can still affect your overall search ranking performance. This includes looking at link-building activities, external mentions, and social media activity. It’s important to ensure your E-commerce website has a solid off-page SEO strategy to maximize its visibility in search engines. 

By performing an audit of all three aspects of your E-commerce SEO strategy – technical, content, and off-page – you can make sure your website stays properly optimized for maximum search engine performance. This will help you increase traffic and revenue from organic search results and remain competitive in the ever-changing world of online commerce.

E-Commerce SEO Audit Checklist

One of the most important steps in e-commerce SEO is conducting an E-commerce SEO audit. A thorough E-commerce SEO audit will help you identify any areas that need improvement and ensure your website stays optimized for search engine success.

This E-commerce SEO audit checklist will help you assess your E-commerce website’s current state and determine what changes you need to improve its search engine rankings. 

  1. Title Tags: Are your title tags keyword-rich, adequately descriptive, and unique? 
  2. Meta Descriptions: Are they accurate and written to entice users to click? 
  3. Headers: Do all the pages on your site have header tags (H1-H6) that are relevant and descriptive? 
  4. Image Alt Tags: Are your images properly tagged with descriptive alt tags that contain keywords? 
  5. Keyword Density: Are you using the correct keyword density on each page to ensure it’s optimized for search engine success?
  6. Content Quality: Is your content well-written, relevant, and of high quality? 
  7. Internal Links: Do the internal links on your E-commerce site use descriptive anchor text to direct users to other pages on the website? 
  8. External Links: Does your E-commerce website have any external links pointing back to authoritative websites in your niche? 
  9. URL Structure: Are you using friendly URLs that are easy for both search engines and users to understand? 
  10. Mobile Optimization: Is your E-commerce website optimized for mobile users? 
  11. Page Speed: Are your E-commerce pages loading quickly to minimize user frustration and improve the overall user experience? 
  12. Structured Data: Have you implemented structured data on key E-commerce pages to help search engines better understand your content? 

After completing this E-commerce SEO audit checklist, it’s important to review the results and make changes as necessary to improve your E-commerce website’s search engine rankings. If done correctly, a thorough E-commerce SEO audit can have a huge impact on your E-commerce business’s visibility and success!

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to an improved E-commerce website that is more visible online.

How to Conduct an Audit of Your Online Store

Once you have a better understanding of E-commerce SEO and the basics of the E-commerce SEO audit checklist, it’s time to start on your E-commerce store’s SEO audit. Your E-commerce website should include specific elements optimized for search engine crawlers to ensure that your products, services, and content appear prominently in search results.

The E-commerce SEO audit should include the following steps: 

Identifying Your Top Keywords: Start by identifying the top keywords and phrases that customers search for when trying to find products or services related to your E-commerce site. You can use a variety of tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush to help you with this. 

Analyzing Your Website’s Structure: Once you have identified your top keywords, take a look at your E-commerce website’s structure and architecture. Are all of the pages optimized for search engine crawlers? Is the code clean and free of errors? Is the navigation easy to understand and use?

Testing Page Load Times: Search engines consider page load times when deciding how to rank E-commerce websites. Test each page on your E-commerce website and make sure they are loading quickly. 

Analyzing Competitors:

Analyze what your competitors are doing in terms of E-commerce SEO. See if you can identify any E-commerce SEO strategies they are using that you may be missing out on. Use tools like SEMrush to help you with this analysis. 

Leverage social media – social media can direct more people toward your website by sharing product information, promotions, discounts, and other content.

Evaluating Linking Strategies: Links are important for E-commerce SEO, so make sure your E-commerce website has a good mix of internal and external links. Internal links keep visitors on your E-commerce site longer, while external links provide additional information about the products and services you offer. 

Reviewing Google Analytics: Analyzing your E-commerce website’s performance using Google Analytics can also help you identify opportunities for improvement in terms of E-commerce SEO. Look at which pages have the highest bounce rates or the fewest page views and consider how you could improve their visibility in search engine results. 

Create a mobile-friendly version – As more users are accessing websites from their phones, it is important to create a version of the e-commerce store that is easily viewable on mobile devices.

Utilize SEO tools – SEO tools can help you monitor and track your progress with organic search visibility.

Keep content up-to-date – Content should be regularly updated with fresh, relevant information, as this will keep customers engaged while helping to boost visibility and rankings in search engines.

Following these steps in your E-commerce SEO audit can help you identify areas for improvement, optimize your E-commerce website’s content and structure to better meet the needs of search engine crawlers, and ultimately increase visibility in search results.


It is important to keep up with industry trends and best practices for e-commerce SEO. As search engine algorithms continue to evolve and change, so do the techniques used to optimize websites for success. Staying on top of these changes can help you ensure that your website remains as competitive as possible in a saturated online marketplace. Implementing consistent SEO strategies and monitoring progress closely is essential to achieving ongoing success with organic search rankings. 

Why is it important to regularly audit your E-commerce website

Regularly auditing your E-commerce website is important to make sure that it is running smoothly and securely, as well as to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. A thorough audit can help identify any potential issues or risks that could affect your business. It also helps ensure that your website stays optimized for maximum performance and usability. An audit can also provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategy and product offerings accordingly.

The most common areas covered by an E-commerce website audit include security measures, user experience, search engine optimization (SEO), performance tuning, payment processing, data protection compliance, legal requirements, and more. Taking the time to conduct an audit can help you identify areas that need improvement and provide solutions for increasing website efficiency and customer satisfaction. Regularly auditing your E-commerce website is essential for keeping it up-to-date, secure, and optimized so that you can maximize its potential. Doing so helps ensure you stay competitive in the ever-changing digital world.


Q: What kind of content should one include in an E-Commerce SEO Checklist?

A: An effective E-Commerce SEO Checklist should include the following content: 1. Identifying keyword opportunities by researching user intent and finding related terms to target; 2. Optimizing product titles, headings, descriptions, and images for SEO value; 3. Completing technical optimization tasks like setting up redirects, canonical URLs, and creating a sitemap; 4. Enhancing page speed performance to improve user experience; 5. Increasing organic search visibility with link building and social media promotion; 6. Analyzing competitor websites for best practices to implement on your website; and 7. Tracking website performance with Google Analytics and other tools to gauge progress. Following these steps should help you create an effective E-Commerce SEO Checklist that will ensure your online store is optimized for success. 

Q: How can I ensure the highest level of accuracy while conducting an E-Commerce SEO Checklist?

A: Conducting an E-Commerce SEO Checklist requires a thorough understanding of best practices related to technical website optimization, keyword research, and link building. To ensure accuracy, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and use tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs to track your progress. Additionally, when optimizing product titles and descriptions, it is important to ensure you are using relevant keywords and terms that customers will be searching for. By ensuring accuracy during an E-Commerce SEO Checklist audit, you can maximize your website’s potential. 

Q: What kind of tools should I use when conducting an E-Commerce SEO Checklist?

A: When performing an E-Commerce SEO Checklist audit, it is important to use the right tools. Popular SEO tools used by businesses include Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Screaming Frog. These tools can provide valuable insights into how search engines are viewing your website and help you identify opportunities for improvements. 

Q: What are the benefits of conducting an E-Commerce SEO Checklist?

A: Conducting an E-Commerce SEO Checklist is beneficial for businesses in several ways. Doing so helps improve organic search visibility, increase user experience and page speed, and enhance the overall performance of your website. Additionally, conducting an audit allows you to gain insight into what competitors are doing and identify any issues that may be holding back your online store from achieving its full potential.

Concluding Remarks

An e-commerce SEO audit is an invaluable tool for uncovering existing issues on your website, as well as pinpointing areas that need improvement to make your online store more successful. By carefully reviewing the items on this checklist and conducting an in-depth analysis of your website’s performance, you can gain valuable insights into where to focus your SEO efforts. Don’t become overwhelmed by the process—take it one step at a time and be sure to cross off each task on the checklist as you go. Once the audit is complete, take some time to analyze and review your findings—you may wish to consult a specialist to get an expert opinion. With consistent auditing and analysis, you can gain valuable insights into how to improve your online store’s rankings, optimize it for conversions, and increase its visibility in search engine results.